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Juliana’s work is almost like a therapy approach to weight loss. She doesn't just give you an exercise plan and a nutrition plan. She coaches you through hard times and moments of weakness and offers support when the journey feels like it’s too hard. Juliana’s approach is so different from what’s available on the market because her focus is having her clients eat whole healthy natural foods. She is not a trainer that will tell you to load up on protein powder. Juliana meets you wherever you are on the fitness journey. If weight training / the gym isn’t your thing she will hear you out and try to find a different solution that you’re more comfortable with. She also helps you identify what areas in your life outside of diet and exercise may be causing an obstacle for your fitness goals and together you strategize a plan to overcome it.

Juliana meets with her clients once a week and in that meeting you strategize a plan for the week. That plan is complete with homework the client should complete ( meal prep, training guide, etc.) throughout the week you stay on your plan as best you can. There is room in the plan to eat out with family and friends. Together you strategize a plan that is enjoyable for you. At each session you evaluate your progress. And, throughout the week Juliana offers support and answers any doubts that may arise.

I was so scared to stop tracking calories. So scared to stop eating protein shakes and protein bars. Juliana showed me that I can lose weight eating natural food even if I don’t track the food. As a result of eating more natural foods I was able to lose weight, reduce sweet cravings, and solve issues with my digestive system such as bloating.

Anyone seeking to lose weight especially post pandemic weight should seek Juliana. If anyone wants to lose weight and doesn’t know where to start. Anyone who works in an office who likely has a sedentary lifestyle would be a great candidate. Also anyone who thinks they are doing everything right but feels like they cannot lose those last few lbs should seek Juliana. She will put together a doable and approachable plan no matter where you are at.

Juliana is a great trainer. She always has a good attitude and she does not pass judgment. She is always full of solutions. Sessions with her are always from a point of understanding and never from a position of reprimanding the client for falling off the plan. She helps you figure out why you deviated and how it can be avoided.

Gisselle L. Client

You are a truly human-centered coach who takes the time to fully understand the individual psychology and needs of your clients and tailor not just programs but the way you approach motivation. I love that you took my desire to not think about weight given my history of disordered eating seriously and have focused training entirely on strength, function, and mental energy. I started working with you after a knee injury and you’ve helped me build so much more confidence in my body’s ability to be strong, adapt, and recover from injury instead of drowning with anxiety over these setbacks. I also just love the conversations we have while working out! Makes the time fly, and it’s wonderful to work with someone who I admire and feel so aligned to in my values.

We started with an assessment of all-over fitness, and from there you built a tailored plan to meet not just my physical needs but what is right for my finances and schedule too - you’re so flexible in meeting clients across different mediums and make a huge impact in motivation and fitness whether training 2x / month or 5x / week. It’s amazing!

Our work has really taught me what parts of my body I need to target to become strong all over, and how to move with mindful attention and proper form to avoid and heal from injuries. I get so much value not just out of our sessions but taking the things I learn and the approach to fitness into my at-home practice. I never did at home strength workouts before, and now I am buying heavier and heavier weights as I continue to build strength and it feels so good! I am working out significantly more than I was when I started training with you just because I’ve unlocked love for strength training and want to do it multiple times a week, at home or with you in the gym.

I used to work out in a way that was so focused on how I look - doing exercises to target specific areas for aesthetic and fueling a negative relationship with exercise as a route to body appearance. I also did a lot of group workout classes, cardio, and low impact workouts like pilates which were fun, relaxing, and had some effect but didn’t build functional full body strength and I stopped seeing improvement after a while - I couldn’t even do a push up after years of working out like this. Working with you has helped me see the importance and payoff of building complete body strength, and how targeting areas like my back and chest which I (and many women) completely used to overlook not only makes me function better in my life, but also has the side effect looking and fitting better in my clothing as well!!

I consistently tell friends who are self conscious about the gym because they haven’t self identified as “athletes” throughout their life to give training a try after working with you. I never identified with or succeeded at team sports, so it took me a while to find my love of exercise in adulthood as a solo activity for myself, but I felt like my only route was group exercise classes. I’ve gained such an amazing education to build on an already active lifestyle and make it as functional and effective as possible by working with you. I think anyone at any level of fitness could gain so much from working with you, especially those who are feeling like they’ve plateaued with group workout classes or home fitness and want to level up, challenge themselves, and learn!! I think your magic touch is particularly special for women, and the way you approach fitness helps combat so many of the toxic messages we ingest through our lifetimes.

Tinley Client